If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble. ~Bob Hope

Monday, February 20, 2006

Too late to renege?

So, I bought some awesome shoes yesterday whilst I was out with one of the very same people I was bitching about. Yeah, I know I said three strikes...
I caught me a bit by surprise...really...
...so did the other one calling me...
It all remains to be seen what happens. I had a good time yesterday. I'm supposed to go out with the other one this weekend. When it rains it pours, eh?
I like this one. I have since day one. Granted, this one also intimidates me on levels where I am usually pretty confident.
The other one, well, there are some selling points, but I'm not sure it has long -term potential. It's nice to be barraged with compliments, but there a few minor details...
I picked up my films today from my little trip to the ER last month. I can now say I've seen inside my head :) There was no copy of a report in the CT films, but there was with my MRI. They've all been lying or at least not being entirely forthright. There is a large paragraph where the diagnosis/impressions go. It doesn't say that everything is perfect. Although, thankfully, it doesn't say that I am dying either. It says that there is something inside my skull that is not normal and could be a couple of different things and that I should probably get shoved in a tube again in another couple of months to see if there is any change. Doesn't sound like a migraine to me!
I'm going to a different neurologist for my next appointment. That's why I had to get the films. I hope that I'll make some progress with this one.

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