If you haven't any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble. ~Bob Hope

Friday, September 24, 2010

Festive Fall Friday

The thing about giving is that it goes hand in hand with receiving. Oh sure, once upon a time, I was pretty skeptical myself about the ways of the world. Down right negative really but that is changing. I find myself getting back to a place I used to be, a happier place. I guess, I have been fortunate to be around some really great "teachers" over the past several months. It didn't just happen. I had to open myself up to it and no lying I've had to work at it. How's that old song go? Free your mind and the rest will follow.

What does any of this have to do with Festive Fall Friday? Well, I was getting there. The air around here is ripe with party vibes. For starters, it is homecoming weekend around here and it will be my daughter's first time going to a semi-formal dance. She and her friends have a bunch of plans and it's really hard not to become infected by their energy. It's cooled off a bit, it's sunny, it's going to be a great weekend AND my hubby managed to score tickets to the Oktoberfest preview party tonight!

I am excited. I am grateful. I would probably not personally buy tickets for the preview because I am thrifty and I don't know that I could justify the price of admission BUT higher powers so know me and are looking out for me. When I used to get wrapped up in how nothing was happening and everything was a struggle and no good ever comes to me...I'll be damned if that's how it was. I am very conscientious of the good now, and I make a point of acknowledging it whenever I can. So, yeah, the whole accentuate the positive, it definitely has merit.

My advice for the weekend? Stop worrying and start living, because living is the purpose of life.

Until we meet again...

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